Photo by A.Herreshoff © 2005

Founded by Patrick McGrady in 1983

An Information and Support Service for Lifesaving Alternative Cancer 
Therapies and Complementary Cancer Treatments



You may choose among all of the followings options:

A report that includes the following:

1. Comprehensive, up-to-date information on current cutting edge, alternative and complementary treatments that have shown efficacy
for your type and stage of cancer

2. Description of treatment approaches

3. Evidence for each approach

4. Information on practitioners, including contact information

We also provide:

a) Consultations to give you a roadmap, identify questions to ask practitioners, walk you through treatment options, and make decisions

b) Professional counseling for support, clarification, and guidance to more easily make treatment decisions, cope, and be the most empowered person you can be. Provided by a licensed professional oncology counselor.

Joan is here to help you save time, money and stress by doing all the hard work for you, researching medical information and supporting you in your treatment options.

Consider Joan your Cancer Coach

Trained and experienced as an oncology counselor and as a CancerGuide® by the Center for Mind Body Medicine®, Joan has over twenty-five years of experience helping cancer patients make integrative treatment decisions and manage their illness.


1) Initial consultation (by phone and/or email, up to 1 hour) - Personalized evaluation, presentation of initial options, and guidance on what to ask practitioners - $150


2) Non-personalized recent detailed report for your type and stage of cancer, including cutting edge, integrative, complementary and alternative practitioners you can see, as well as things you can do on your own.  Includes links to studies and articles supporting information in the report - $249


3) Personalized detailed report including cutting edge, integrative, complementary and alternative practitioners you can see and things you can do on your own.  Includes links to studies and articles supporting information in the report - $450


4) Follow-up or solo phone or Skype consultations to provide treatment options and help you make decisions - $199 per hour


5) Professional psychological counseling - In-person, phone or Skype support, clarification, and guidance to improve coping and self-empowerment to better deal with the cancer experience - $125 per hour



1. Call Joan Runfola at CANHELP at 1-800-364-2341 to set up initial phone conversation or email

2. For your initial phone conversation please have ready as much of the  following information as possible, and then follow up with an email/mail/fax including summary of your cancer history, pathology report, stage of disease, age and all treatments (conventional/alternative) received and/or being considered, as well as other medical conditions and other medications or supplements taken.

3. Once necessary medical information and payment are received, reports will be e-mailed to the client within approximately 7 - 15 business days.  A hard copy can be shipped on request at an additional fee.

4. Provide e-mail, phone or fax information

You may also talk us through the information over the phone and/or fax your medical records if you have them.

The more information you provide the better we can assist you!


P.O. Box 1678
Livingston, NJ 07039

Toll free 1-800-364-2341
Fax 1-888-800-0201


CANHELP is an independent business entity. We accept no compensation for physician referrals.

Over the past 27 years, CANHELP has reached out to thousands of people, helping them find the best alternative cancer therapies as well as innovative cancer therapies worldwide


Contact us

“In 1999, my doctors told me I had breast cancer that had spread to my lymph nodes. I decided to learn about my cancer and was open to investigating all types of therapies.
I am doing well today and I consider even the unconventional treatments I took to be my “medicine.” I understand the confusion and anxiety involved in making treatment decisions, and the courage it takes to travel off the beaten path of conventional medicine.”



P.O. Box 1678
Livingston, NJ 07039

Toll free 1-800-364-2341
Fax 1-888-800-0201


Business hours:
Monday- Friday
9 AM - 6 PM ET

© 2005

The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any health condition and is not a replacement for treatment by a qualified healthcare provider.