CANHELP, INC. P.O.Box 103, Port Gamble, WA (800) 565-1732 Lifesaving Cancer Treatment Information & Support |
Diagnosed with Cancer?
has been a valuable resource for me and my patients for many years."
Bernie Siegel, MD, Founder Exceptional Cancer Patients, New Haven, CT.
Are you overhwelmed trying to make the right cancer treatment decision?
Unsure whether to choose conventional and/or alternative cancer treatments?
Wish you had easy access to up-to-date information?
Wish you could talk to a expert when YOU need her?
Are you seeking continuous support in making decisions?
A personal touch like no other referral service
How do you benefit from CANHELP's service?
You will
- have access to a network of cancer specialists & clinics
- become knowledgeable about an array of therapies
- become empowered to make lifesaving decisions
- learn to create your own cancer support team
- And most importantly you will receive FREE cancer treatment updates
- AND support, when YOU need it for ONE YEAR!
Whom do I work with?I work with cancer clients and/or family members, who wish to take an active part in their healing process
Who are willing to think outside of the conventional box
Who realize that healing from cancer is not just about taking pills or one treatment
Who are looking for ways to find healing without excessive amounts of stress.
Call (800) 565-1732
Over the past 20 years, CANHELP has reached out to thousands of people, helping them find the best alternative cancer treatments as well as innovative cancer therapies worldwide.